See more of Legends of Aria Italia on Facebook. Log In. or. Create New Account. See more of Legends of Aria Italia on Facebook. Log In. Forgot account? or. Create New Account. Not Now. ABOUT LEGENDS OF ARIA ITALIA. La nostra storia. Legends of Aria è un gioco che reputano l'Ultima Online dei nostri tempi.
Welcome to the Forum Archive! Years of conversation fill a ton of digital pages, and we've kept all of it accessible to browse or copy over. Whether you're looking for reveal articles for older champions, or the first time that Rammus rolled into an "OK" thread, or anything in between, you can find it here.
The multiverse of Legends of Aria is built on a philosophy of creating living, breathing worlds. Unlike other games where quests are eternal, or special events can be relived again and again, Legends of Aria is a game in which actions have real consequences.
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WAI stands for Web Accessibility Initiative and ARIA is Accessible Rich Say, a Series on an XY Chart might be hidden using legend.
Expand your sandbox with the Legends of Aria Citizen’s Pass, which grants you permanent citizenship to the world of Celador. Build a home, launch a player-run shop, unlock your bank’s full capacity, and more.